
Games for Girls Games

Traditionally we divide the games into two groups: for boys and for girls. These games differ by the genre, the stylistic and by other elements of gameplay. Thus, while boys prefer adventures, shooters or horrors, ladies are more interested in fashion, romantics and cute things. But let’s be more precise.

The most popular categories

In general, we can divide all games for girls into several categories. One of the most popular is ‘dress up’. You can find innumerable variations of games in this category. Different heroes or heroines, places, outfits, drawing styles and finally – diversity of choice. It begins with the stylistics of the gameplay and finishes with the number of possibilities of how to use the created character. It’s just like if she played with a doll, but it’s the electronic version. However, computers added one more novelty to this entertainment – you can now wear makeup on the character you create.

Another category to notice – is the ‘take care of’ games. No matter what part of the body or what kind of creature – there’s almost anything or anyone you can look after. It can suggest the around-the-clock charge or, in a simpler way, you exit and your duties are on ‘pause’.

And finally, cooking. The gameplay with elements of the kitchen simulator is very popular. It can be based on the storyline like “I always dreamt of buying a coffee house, and finally my dream has come true. I need your help to organize my kitchen so that it will become the most popular cafe in the city!” Or you can participate more precisely and be in charge of every step in cooking a meal.

So if you look for something for girls but don’t know what exactly you would like, just decide what gameplay you’d want to see at the moment, choose one of the categories and start scrolling. We’re sure you will find something that will please you a lot.