
Pizza Tower Games

Pizza Tower combines several genres at once and attracts attention from the first seconds. Here, players will plunge into an amazing storyline and get to know many heroes. Fight monsters, overcome obstacles and much more! Here you need to be agile, react quickly and make the right decisions!

Destroy the fortress!

The story of the game begins with the fact that the main character is the happy owner of a pizzeria. This is a fat man of short stature, but at the same time very mobile. His luck was cut short when a flock of birds flew into the building.

In a split second, they built a structure that interfered with visitors. They stopped walking, which led to many other problems. Now the character is ready to climb to the very top to get rid of this chaos. You have to take the initiative in your own hands and help him!

The path will be long and thorny, so the participants must be very careful. The restaurant has several floors, on each of which enemies will be waiting for you. They are too dangerous and will not give up just like that! For this reason, you need to strategize in order to defeat them. You can also just jump and avoid the fight. Pizza Tower has rich graphics and cool music. This helps everyone to plunge into the atmosphere and feel like a master.

More features!

In addition to the fact that in the game there will be a huge number of opponents, there will also be bosses. They lead their assistants and to get to them you need to make every effort. Meeting with them will not be easy and therefore you need to use all your power and strength! Each round will not last long, but during this time you will have time to enjoy the battle. Get good results to move forward.

In the game you need to come up with an action plan thanks to which you will definitely become winners! Sometimes it will seem impossible, but you just need to try a little harder. As the process progresses, participants will unlock skins. No one knows exactly how to unlock clothes, so just fight! Very often, for successful achievements, you can get unique costumes that can be changed at any time. This will add extra motivation and more interest!

In Pizza Tower, you can learn about each character separately. Here are collected all the challenges that will tell amazing stories. Become a witness of cool events and prove to everyone that you are not a wimp! Try to find an approach to each of the bosses! Declassify all other characters who want to deceive the chef!