
Sad Games

Everyone has periods when they feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to have problems! But you don’t have to let them get the better of you every time! Being sad is the worst option available. For this reason, in order to distract from negative experiences, we offer you these challenges.

With their help, every player will feel happy and cheerful again! Start your journey to happiness right now! Get new hobbies and become a master at them! It’s up to you to decide how to do it!

Replace sadness with joy!

Here are the best games that will cheer up everyone. The main thing is that you are ready for new discoveries, knowledge and chances! Players from all over the world can take part in exciting missions and tasks. Do not miss this opportunity and enjoy the atmosphere of fun! What genre do you like the most? Are you ready to try what you used to be afraid of? Here everyone can trust feelings and sensations so as not to aggravate the situation!

In one of the quests you can meet the same sad monkey as you. She suffers for no clear reason and it is better not to go to her with questions. The only thing that can cheer her up is eating bananas. Throw fruits right in her mouth and watch her return to the good life! There are also other heroes who need your support. Take care of them yourself or call your friends! What about fighting in battle arenas? Here you can quickly tune in to a strong spirit!

Get creative!

Some games will require your imagination and a look at different things. Become a photographer who travels the world. Take pictures of people who are not happy with themselves. Prove to them that they made a false opinion! Get everyone to give them compliments that will boost their self-esteem. There are also other reasons to explore interesting places on our planet. Go on business trips, open salons or just solve puzzles! Find the entertainment your soul and heart needs right now!

Take part in games that have many series. Their events are associated with different holidays that evoke positive emotions. Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving and more! You will also meet a lot of cool characters that will not let you get bored! Which one will be your favorite? Understand that even in horror stories you can laugh! The main thing is to tune in to a good pastime. If a person does not swim, he will drown, you know? Find the strength in yourself to resist negativity! Get rid of sad emotions just by starting the process!