
Mother Simulator Games

Being a parent is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You may have heard stories or seen different situations on TV. It’s really hard in real life, so don’t devalue women’s work. Today you have the opportunity to test your strength in Mother Simulator. Start this exciting process and see how exhausting it is! How much time will be enough for you?

Huge belly and a lot of Wishlist!

They say that pregnancy is the best time for a woman. It seems that everyone will give you everything you want and adapt to everything you say. But not everyone has strong nerves and sometimes you have to do something on your own. In these games, players will be able to feel everything that girls with a child inside them. Difficulty moving around, feeling sick from some food and other problems.

In Mother Simulator, everyone will be able to go through all the stages of pregnancy. Each of the nine months is unique and has certain abilities. Familiarize yourself with all the incidental and not only situations that can occur. Control a lady and watch how her belly grows. You also have to complete different missions that will lead to childbirth. Over time, she will need to be registered at the medical center.

Give your baby some love!

After the birth of children, life changes and this is not fiction! Do not forget that the little ones are not only laughter and joy! They can be nasty, crying and many other negative qualities. Players will have to devote all their time to them to grow. Start with porridge and milk, but keep an eye on the right temperature. Also change their diapers, go for walks and come up with games to keep them from crying.

Children will begin to grow up and you need to think about their education. Do developmental things so they learn something new. Remember to make sure they don’t get into trouble. Rooms should be free of sharp objects, open sockets and glassware that can be dropped. Toddlers must be completely safe, as well as clean. In Mother Simulator, players must also do other household chores!

Thus, young parents will practically not have a couple of free minutes to relax. Check how stress-resistant, agile and able to react quickly you are! What emotions will this all cause in you and how quickly will you get tired? Become a real parent who can take care of a newborn baby and more! The games show the whole reality and it will try to test your psyche! Can you handle these responsible missions?