
Only Up! Games

The plot of the game is about a guy who decided to leave his hometown. From the name of the challenge, it is clear that he seeks to reach something higher. He needs to overcome all obstacles on the way and get rid of his own fears. Here, players must show their fearlessness, dexterity, attentiveness and striving for the best.

Know thyself!

You will meet a young man who wants to get rid of poverty. To do this, he needs to go on a journey to forget about his past life. The crisis has already penetrated the brain of everyone in Only Up! It is for this reason that you can not stop and you just need to keep moving. The road will be long and winding, so you need to be focused. One awkward move and the hero can fall down. The higher you climb, the harder it will be to start over.

It’s time for action and decision making! Further events depend only on you, so you can’t make mistakes. Each step can bring you closer to the goal or, on the contrary, throwback. There are many surprises in the game! It is a mystery what will happen in the future and where the boy will be in time. It takes determination to make the jump and land in a new place! Do not worry and try to do everything right!

Cool features!

The first thing we want to talk about is time dilation. In Only Up! players can make the character’s speed several times less. This will help to come up with a further plan of action so as not to break. While you are floating in the air there is a chance to think and decide where to land.

There are also many references and Easter eggs hidden in this challenge. Those who have not fallen will not understand what it means to appreciate the current situation. The game does not have the ability to save the process at the place where everything collapsed. This teaches you to think purely and qualitatively, considering what the consequences may be.

Each level will get harder, but it will also raise the stakes. The atmosphere will make you nervous and sometimes even afraid. But do not follow your thoughts and fears! Step over your pride, irritability and more to achieve the desired result. The whole process of Only Up! built on parkour, a dangerous sport.

So concentrate and become a master at it! Fans must help the main character complete the mission. It will lead him to the life he dreams of! It does not matter what path awaits the participants, the main thing is what is the goal. Find out what awaits at the end of each of the brave people!